Monday, January 26, 2009

Dodatni termin za KOLOKVIJUM I iz engleskog jezika II i III

Svi studenti koji su bili spreceni da dodju u terminima od prosle nedelje mogu izaci na kolokvijum u subotu 31.01.2009. u 9.00 ujutro. Kolokvijum traje 1 sat.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

ADVANCED (E M P L O Y E D) - kolokvijum I

Dear all,

I just wish to point out the most important parts of the 1st pre-qualifying exam.
Pay special attention to:

- bill, directive, regulation, statute, ordinance
- persons in court
- types of documents
- types of law firms
- the difference between UK and USA law studies

See you on 24. January at 9.00, Saturday