Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Teme za seminarski rad-RADNA GRUPA
Term paper topics

1.English Use in International Business Law
2.The Legal Profession
3.Intellectual Property Law
4.No law is perfect! TAKEN
5.All criminals are perverse people! TAKEN
6.Everyone deserves a second chance. - TAKEN
7.An eye for eye and a tooth for a tooth.
8.There is no room for capital punishment in a civilized society. TAKEN
9.Do juries deliver justice?
10.Jury Service – An Important Job and a Rewarding Experience?
11.What happens during the trial? TAKEN
12.What is the impact of American culture and lifestyle? - TAKEN
13. Should newspaper reporters be required to reveal their sources?
14. Should parents and other interested citizens censor textbooks and other literature for children in schools?
15. The history of Scotland Yard. - TAKEN
16.Should the government provide child day care centers for working parents?
17. What impact on the family (or the workplace) have changes in gender roles had?
18.How are the values, expectations, and rituals of specific holidays such as Christmas, Valentine's Day, and Mother's Day influenced by consumer culture?
19.Does society have an obligation to protect privacy as a basic individual right?
20.Should tobacco companies be held responsible for smoking-related illnesses and deaths?
21.Should juvenile offenders be tried and punished as adults?
22.Abortion – Looking at both sides. - TAKEN
23.What should be done to eliminate salary disparities between men and women?
24.What should be done to create equity in executive positions for women in particular corporations and industries?
25.Should women be allowed in military combat? To what extent?
26.What kind of advertising is unethical?
27.What kinds of rights should criminals have?
28.What conditions of incarceration are fair?
29.Are certain kinds of capital punishment cruel and unusual?
30.Do cable companies represent a monopoly?

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